Information Notice Regarding Senate Bill (SB) 1237

This Q&A only applies to H&S Code Section 115113, recently enacted by SB 1237 (Padilla, Chapter 521, Statutes of 2010), which added reportable events from the use of X-ray CT and therapy...

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Radiation risks of diagnostic imaging

Diagnostic radiation is an effective tool that can save lives. The higher the dose of radiation delivered at any one time, however, the greater the risk for long-term damage. If a patient receives repeated doses, harm can also occur as the cumulative effect of those multiple doses over time...

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Questions and Answers Radiation Protocol Committee Requirements for Fluoroscopically-Guided Interventional and Computed Tomography Procedures in 25 Texas Administrative Code, §289.227 (relating to Use of Radiation Machines in the Healing Arts) March 1, 2013...

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BMJ: Megastudy links pediatric CT to higher cancer rates

May 22, 2013 - The largest study to probe the effects of ionizing radiation since the atomic bomb survivor studies shows that cancer incidence does rise among younger patients - although only in small amounts - in the years following...

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